Community Engagement

At Unique Infra Engineering Pvt. Ltd., we recognize that our success is intertwined with the well-being and progress of the communities we serve. Therefore, we are committed to contributing towards the sustainable development of these communities through our responsible business practices and active community engagement initiatives. We believe in the power of community and are committed to actively engaging with and contributing to its growth.

Let’s collaborate and thrive together!


We at Unique Infra Engineering Pvt. Ltd.are proud to be a passionate supporter of sports and have been actively contributing to its growth by sponsoring multiple sporting events. From cricket to badminton, we believe in encouraging and empowering athletes to reach their full potential. Here’s to a brighter and more exciting future for sports! We sponsored the CIRC Cricket 2017 tournament, which was a great success. The tournament, held in 2017, saw many talented cricket teams from various regions participating and showcasing their skills.


At Unique Infra Engineering Pvt. Ltd., safety is our top priority. We are committed to creating a safe and secure environment for our employees, clients, and partners through our rigorous safety policies and practices. We believe that safety is a core value. Through our unwavering commitment to safety, we have successfully sustained a record of safe operations, with no significant accidents reported this year.